torsdag 24 mars 2011


So this is basically what me and my roommate's (Shrek-inspired too say the least) refridgerator looks like by now. Have'nt felt any urge to upload any of these drawings since they're all quite sloppily made... But today I finished making Puss in Boots and felt as he was the last piece of the pussle, and I therefore had to upload a picture of the whole collection. Hope you enjoy! 
(Uploaded this one with a quite big resolution so all you swedish-talking folks can read all the wierd shit on each drawing.)

onsdag 16 mars 2011

Night on Bald Mountain


So this is probably the most advanced drawing I've ever made when it comes to technique. I got inspired from seeing Fantasia and I knew I just had to make my own version of the Night on Bald Mountain. Thanks to Elof for helping me smudging some of the colour! ^^
This one took approximately 13 hours to make so I hope y'all enjoy it!


söndag 13 mars 2011

Brutal Blogfreakout

Holy fucking Christ I'm releaved!
So just as I feel that I got shit sorted out and finally start making pictures again I realize:

"Holyfuckingchrist I can't for the love of me remember my account's name and passwords!!"
..Yeah. So I just did some serious hacking into my own head to remember shit buried deep, deep inside and waddayaknow? I freakin' did it.
So now I'm like ultrareleaved that my mind isn't as scrambled and wrecked as I thought. Finally I can take up this blogging-stuff again and make some shit happen fo' real. 

As for drawing-inspirational-related topics, alot has happened.
My major inspiration at the moment is without a doubt the Batman-cartoons. Been spending alot of nights lately watching the 3rd and 4rth season of Batman Animated and Batman New Adventures, and I've not only decided to get a second Batman-tattoo made, but also to start drawing all of my favourite characters (ofcourse in the G-spot-spiritual technique). 
Will begin this projects this week, starting off with Bane.

Well, guess that's it for now. Never thought I would ever write this much in a single upload (and to be quite frank I kinda hate myself a little for it), without further adue, here's todays drawing

G-spot Gladiator

Yup.. This is kinda the result of spending 4 night in a row watching nothing but Spartacus.